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Point Break of the Speed Matrix

Keanu is my Mac. He helps me reach you, Interwebs.

Monthly Archives: February 2009


fist2008Tonight I am performing with my friends Alan and Allegra (BRIDGE & TUNNEL)  in the Fighting Improv Smackdown Tournament held at Source (14th & T St. NW) and in association with the Washington Improv Theater.  I am also joining the WIT house team Season Six and we will be performing regularly every Thursday night at the theater.


I did this tournament as a student last year and I’m returning to FIST as a teacher and performer.   As a result of my involvement with this tournament I have made the most wonderful friends and acheived my goal of teaching improv to people who worship me.  Thank you, WIT.

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A leg lamp would have been less embarassing than my thank you tanking.

A leg lamp would have been less embarassing than my thank you tanking.

Today at work I got an award.  I didn’t realize it was a big deal.    The news of this was circulated companywide and I’ve been receiving nice congrats emails from people I don’t know all day.  I’ve never worked in a place that gives out awards.  I suppose corporations do this to boost morale and provide incentives to be more efficient and whatever.  This is not the kind of attention I enjoy, so in response to said emails I replied back to the team that gave it  to me (including the CFO and General Counsel) with the following “thank you” speech: 

“Thank you very much.  I’d like to thank my parents for, back in the day, taking a chance on a 10 lb wonder, my parochial school for letting me wear sweatpants during midterms so I could focus in comfort, the 22A bus driver on Wednesdays who speeds…
Thank you for the kind words.   I like it here.”
I think it is fair to say that I have labeled myself as, henceforth, a weirdo.

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A few things:                                                                   

"BLAIH, I'm yaws fo the weekend!"
“BLAIH, I’m yaws fo the weekend!”

This day is dragging ass. 

I’ve decided to feature Cousin Geri more often on the ole blog… as well as Kathy Gordon, Arnold’s hall monitor “special” friend from Diffrn’t Strokes.


