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Point Break of the Speed Matrix

Keanu is my Mac. He helps me reach you, Interwebs.

Tag Archives: Work

I’m putting this in a nice frame for my office. 

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No more facebook, twitter or cool blog theme changes from my work ‘puter.  Sads.  We had a good run, Internet.  I can still access this blog during the work day but I imagine it’s only a matter of time before they take that away too. 

I feel like Chunk trying to get that last bite of ice cream before the Fratelli’s snatch it all away.

But I am resourceful, Keanu shall wait for my use at home and I will figure out how to do mobile situations and the like. 


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Yes.  I finally added this dreaded to scenario to my list of “awkward conversations that exist only on film and in my life” .

I ran into one of my bosses while waiting in the elevator bank and he was dressed nicely in a dark suit.  The dress code at the job is casual.

Me:  [Smiling] Morning!  You’re all poshed up!

As he is a lawyer I am expecting one of two possible answers: SEC meeting or Board meeting

Boss: [deep breath] Funeral.

debbie-downer   And scene.

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A leg lamp would have been less embarassing than my thank you tanking.

A leg lamp would have been less embarassing than my thank you tanking.

Today at work I got an award.  I didn’t realize it was a big deal.    The news of this was circulated companywide and I’ve been receiving nice congrats emails from people I don’t know all day.  I’ve never worked in a place that gives out awards.  I suppose corporations do this to boost morale and provide incentives to be more efficient and whatever.  This is not the kind of attention I enjoy, so in response to said emails I replied back to the team that gave it  to me (including the CFO and General Counsel) with the following “thank you” speech: 

“Thank you very much.  I’d like to thank my parents for, back in the day, taking a chance on a 10 lb wonder, my parochial school for letting me wear sweatpants during midterms so I could focus in comfort, the 22A bus driver on Wednesdays who speeds…
Thank you for the kind words.   I like it here.”
I think it is fair to say that I have labeled myself as, henceforth, a weirdo.

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einstein“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” -Albert Einstein

[Be prepared to read the most exciting story ever told.]

Most days I bring into work some low-cal budget friendly frozen entree to have for my lunch.  And every day I do the same thing.  I treat the microwave like a monkey would a computer.  For some reason my brain is not comfortable with or trusting of  appliances outside of my own home.  I feel like they’re (mostly microwaves but also fridges) trying to TRICK me or ruin my lunch.

Besides, this work microwave is weird.  It’s all modern but it has a dial and no buttons which IMMEDIATELY makes it suspect.  And other people use it and…. I don’t know what their food is doing to the inside of it… changing the electrons inside of the microwave so that it will no longer cook my food properly maybe?  I don’t know, ok?

So I pop my sodium bomb into the crazy silver time machine, set it for 5 minutes and walk back to my desk.   As soon as I reach my desk 50 feet away I am CONVINCED that 4.5 minutes has past and 1) I don’t want my food to blow up and 2) I don’t want to be the asshole that leaves their lunch in the microwave when it’s done.  This motivation does not originate with professional courtesy but rather a simple fear of dirty co-workers manhandling my food.  Dirty dirty co-workers with their weird food and their weird hands that prepare their weird food.

So naturally I break into a trot down the hall while passing Marketing.  I know what they must be thinking ( “There’s goes that crazy bitch ‘fraid her food gonna BLOW UP!”).  Screw you, Marketing. 

Anyhow, I reach the microwave and sure enough 45 seconds have passed.  Perhaps today is THE DAY it’s fully cooked and ready.   I open the microwave and give the meal a full examination.  Is the slit wide enough?  Does it need to be positioned differently?  Should I stir things with my fork?  It doesn’t matter because I do all of those things.  I then pop it back in, set the timer for 5 minutes…and the mobius begins again.

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